You can find more information and answers to your questions by checking out our Festival Guidelines and Camping Information guides.

Updated: Friday, April 15th, 2011

Can my friends and I bring instruments and amplifiers and jam out in the campground?
Only acoustic instruments will be allowed in camping (no instruments in the concert area). If we allowed everyone who asks to bring amplifiers it would be a free-for-all out there, and not fair to fellow campers who might not want to hear your cover of Sister Hazel's "All For You."

Can I camp in my car?
You may camp in your car in Car Camping only.

May I make a campfire or use a stove to cook?
Feel free to bring your own food and beverages into the camping area. However, campfires, fire pits, fire cages, Firefox or any open flames are not allowed anywhere on site. Small portable propane camp stoves will be allowed. No charcoal grills, please. These grills are allowed.

Can we park wherever we want and move our cars once we are in?
My god, it's like we have to go over this every single festival. The parking staff will direct you to your camping area when you arrive. Groups who wish to camp in the same vicinity should plan to meet far from the festival grounds to line up their vehicles and stay together prior to entering the gates. It will not be possible to hold spaces for other vehicles arriving later.

Once you are parked in a camping area you may not move your vehicle for the duration of the festival. This is for your safety and the safety of your neighbors. If you plan to drive in and out of the event grounds over the weekend, you should park in the "Day Parking" area. Ask the parking staff to direct you there upon entering the festival grounds. If a car is parked and left unattended on any public road it WILL BE TOWED at the owners expense.�

Given the configuration and the limitations of this site we need everyone to cooperate with the staff and park where directed and remain there. This is the only way that we can be able to accommodate all ticket holders on the property. Please understand that when anyone disregards the parking and camping instructions it can create a domino effect that will ultimately impact everyone's comfort and safety. The bad kind of domino effect, not the good kind.

It is ESSENTIAL that all vehicle lanes be kept clear and open at all times. Please help us by reminding your neighbors that this is for your safety as well as theirs.

Can I ride my bicycle to the festival and ride it inside the festival grounds?
You can ride your bike to the festival (gonna ride it slowly, just how I like), but not in the event area. No bikes will be allowed in camping or concert area. For safety reasons, any form of transportation that would carry you faster than a walking pace will not be allowed.

Will there be a secure bike lock-up area on site?
We're working on a secure area to lock up your bikes.

What is the age limit for camping?
All campers must be 18 or older unless accompanied by an adult or legal guardian.

What if I'm 17 but I look 19?

What if I'm 24 but I look 16?

I get 22 a lot. Like, "that dude doesn't look a day over 22."

You still there?
Yes. Waiting for a question.

Where do people that are staying with me in my RV but driving up separately park for the weekend?
A separate companion parking area will be provided. For the companions of the young people.

Can we bring alcohol?
A reasonable amount of beer (limited to one case of beer per person - No Full Size Kegs, No Glass, No Liquor), for personal consumption only (no vending), by folks who are of legal age (21) - will be permitted into the camping areas (not concert area). A mini-keg is permissible, as long as it is plastic. A mini-keg will equal one case of beer. If, however, in the security's judgment it appears that the amount of alcohol is excessive for the number of persons in the vehicle, or if anyone in the vehicle is under 21 years of age, the organizers reserve the right to deny entry of the vehicle and/or confiscate the alcohol. Full sized metal Kegs may not be brought onto the property. Please keep these things in mind and be sensible about how much you plan to bring in. Beer will be available for purchase on the concert field.

Can we make our own beer? I've got a corny keg with a picnic tap, and I'm brewing up a sweet batch of maple bourbon porter.
I have no idea what you're saying.

Will there be free bathrooms/showers? Handicap accessible? Private?
Yes, there will be free portable bathrooms and free showers available. There will be separate M/F shower trailers, plus handicap accessible facilities for both as well. There will also be an EMF trailer, for the band EMF.

Are there showers in General Admission Camping? What hours can you use the showers?
Yes there are free showers that will be accessible for 18 hours of the day.

How big is each individual camp site?
Approx. 15 feet x 30 feet.

So, square feet then? I can go ahead and call it 450 square feet?

Can I bring food/beverages/chairs/cooler into the camp areas?
Yes, but no glass containers. And not into the concert area.

Will there be food booths or a General Store in the camping area?
Yes, there will be a store selling various sundry items which may include: Advil, Air Mattresses, Aloe Gel, Anacin, Band-Aids, Batteries (AA, AAA, C), Benadryl, Bug spray, Cigarettes, Festival Merch (sweaters, ear muffs, half-tops), Condoms, Disposable cameras, Ear plugs, Eye Plugs, Eye Drops, Ice Bags, Lighters, lip balm, Lotion, Mini/Small Flashlights, Mini Deodorant, Mini Hand Sanitizer, Mini soap bars, Motrin IB, Mouthwash, Neosporin, Pepto, Rolaids, Sunscreen, Tampons, Rope, Tissue packets, Toothpaste/Toothbrush combo pack, Water, Tylenol, Wet-one Wipes, Tents, tent stakes etc (hours and items subject to change).

There will be food vendors selling items which may include: Kabobs, Salads, Breakfast items, Pizza, Coffee Drinks and Smoothies, Breakfast Pastries, Selection of Burgers (Meat, Turkey, Ahi, Vegetarian), Hot Dogs, Fries, burritos/tacos/quesadillas/tamales/chips/salsa, Sausages, Pies, Cheese steaks, Ice Cream, Shakes, Fresh Lemonade, Breakfast items and a Mexican Menu (hours and items subject to change).

Some of that stuff was in alphabetical order, but not all of it. And what's up with the capitalization? Why is "Tents" capitalized, but not "tent stakes"?
Give us a break, man. It's like three in the morning.

No, actually I'm reading this around noon.
I mean when we wrote it, it was-- Never mind. Next question.

Will there be a place for me to buy coffee or get hot water?
Yes, there will be a coffee vendor in the food area.

Can I set up a Banana Stand?
There's always money in the Banana Stand, but no unlicensed vending will be allowed at the festival. If you want to apply for a food vending license at the festival, please send an email to [email protected]. If you're interested in Craft Vending, please send an email to [email protected]or fill out the application.

Will there be a Farmers Market?
Yes, there are plans for a Farmers Market on site.

Will there be electrical outlets to charge my cell phone?
Yes, there will be cell phone charging stations. The shower trailers will also have electrical outlets.

Where is the closest ATM?
ATMs will be located in the venue and 24 hour area. We will note their locations on the map.

Are generators allowed?
Only to power your RV or camper. No other generators are allowed.

If I have "Glen Close Camping" can I still go into the General Admission Camping to visit my friends?
Yes, but not vice versa. Anyone entering "Glen Close Camping" must have a "Glen Close Camping" wristband.

Is "Glen Close Camping" named for the actress Glenn Close?

Glenn Close, from "Fatal Attraction."
Oh, I see. You thought, because -- Yeah, I can totally see how you thought that. But no, "Glen Close Camping" is named for the actress Geena Davis.

Will wagons be allowed in the concert venue area?
No. Except for this one.

If I am not camping, where do I park?
If you are not camping you will need to park in "Day Parking," ride one of the many private shuttles or be dropped off at the designated drop off area.

What time do I have to leave the "Day Parking" lot?
You will be able to stay in Day Parking for a few hours after the last set is played on any given night. We'll get you an exact time.

If I park my car in Day Parking am I required to leave at the end of each day or can I leave my car in that lot for the weekend?
Day Parking is exclusively for those who need or want to leave at the end of each day. If you plan on leaving your car overnight you may not park in Day Parking. We named it "Day Parking" for a reason. Otherwise, we would have just called it "Parking."

What sorts of cameras are allowed on site?
Video cameras and cameras with SLR or interchangeable lenses are not allowed in the event field. You are free to take pictures or video in the campgrounds.

OK, but I've got this sweet app that makes my phone pics look like a vintage 1960s...
Good for you.

Will single day tickets be available?
No, there are currently no plans to offer single day tickets.

It's Fourth of July Weekend. Can we bring FIREWORKS!??

Okay, what about Fireworks?
Still no. Trust us, you'll get enough fireworks from the amazing guitar fretwork of the versatile Trent Anastasio.

Will there be a "Family/Quiet" Camping or "Sober" camping area?
Yes, there will be an area for people who wish to camp at a site that will be quiet at night and in the mornings and an area for folks who wish to remain drug/alcohol free for the weekend. These areas are limited in size and are first come, first served.

Some bloggers have been posting festival maps. Are any of them correct?
No. Surprise: someone is wrong on the Internet. We have not yet released a map, and probably won't until June. There are many details to work out and we don't want to release anything prematurely.

What kind of special needs facilities will you be providing?
We're wrapping up all details about Accessible Camping and contact information and will be posting shortly.

I am staying at a hotel off site and plan on commuting to and from the festival. Will I be permitted to come and go each day/night?
Yes, you may come and go, provided that you are parked in the "Day Parking" area, ride one of the many private shuttles or be dropped off at the designated drop off area. Each time you re-enter the grounds you will be subject to the same search as your initial entry. This is done for everyone's safety.

Will my cell phone work out there?
We haven't experienced any issues on site. Verizon is better than AT&T; out here (surprise).

So how am I supposed to live-tweet from the festival? I have 214 followers that are counting on me.
They will all be at the festival, too.

Will there be payphones?
Ha! Oh, you were serious. No.

Will there be wi-fi?
There will be an internet cafe on site.

Earlier you called it a "cyber-cafe."
A lot of people still use the word "cyber." I heard it like twice yesterday.

Will Super Ball be webcast? #couchtour
Nope, sorry. #conchtour

I will not be able to get there until 3AM on Saturday morning. Can I still get in?
Yes. Camping gates will be attended 24 hours a day throughout the event from Thursday to Sunday.

Can I get back any items confiscated either at the campground or concert field entrance?
There will be no check-in area for disallowed items. All patrons will be subject to a search by security personnel. Please be advised that the security company, facility, promoters and performers will not be responsible for any items confiscated during search procedures. So leave this at home.

What is the taping policy going to be? Will we need to get tapers tickets?
Audio taping will be permitted in the designated taper section only on a first-come first-served policy. Video taping will NOT be allowed. No taper tickets will be necessary. To view Phish's policy on taping, click here. To view Wegmans' policy on returns, click here.

What is the security going to be like there?
Event staff - including trained, professional security, mounted (horse) patrols and police - will be present in and around the grounds for the entire duration of the event.

Will I be able to be dropped off each day and picked up each night?
Yes. There will be "drop stops."

Where do I go to report or find a missing child?
You should report your missing child to the nearest staff person, security or police officer with a walkie-talkie radio.

Can I share my ticket with someone if I go one day and my friend goes the other?
No. Each ticket holder will be issued a non-transferable wristband, which must be worn at all times during the event.

How hot will it get in the day and how cold will it get at night?
July is Watkins Glen's warmest month of the year. Please click here for weather info.

What are the chances of sleet?

What are the chances of Meat?

I am an artist and I want to be a part of the festival's Art Team. How do I do that?
You can send an email to [email protected]

Are you hiring people to work or volunteer at the event?
We are currently accepting applications for volunteer work, in exchange for entry to the festival. You can volunteer with WET (Work Exchange Team) or Clean Vibes. More info can be found here.

Will there be vegetarian/vegan food offered?

Will there be Disabled person parking/bathrooms?
Yes, there will be Disabled accessible facilities on site. For more information, please check out the Super Ball IX Accessible Guide.

Will there be a Lost & Found? (keys, cell phones, face etc.)
Yes, there will be a combination Lost & Found AND Information booth area which will be clearly marked on the festival guide.

Will there be First Aid on site?
Yes. First Aid stations will be on site, clearly visible to find, and clearly marked on the festival guide.

Will there be drinking fountains?
There will be free drinking fountains, and bottled water will be sold at numerous vendor locations.

Will there be sunglasses/visors or hats/sunscreen sold?
Yes there will be booths on site with those items.

Is a wook born a wook, or do they become one over time?
That is a great, great question.

Will there be a festival map available ahead of time so we can see locations of food courts and bathroom areas?
Yes. They will also be on the festival guide being passed out upon entrance.

I locked my keys in my car, and also my car won't start, and my stereo reception is really tinny. Will there be a tow truck or AAA on site?
There will be a tow truck on site and AAA on stand by.

Where is the nearest Gas Station?
Sunoco A Plus Mini Market on North Franklin St. and Lakes Gas NY on South Franklin St.

Every hotel is sold out. What can I do?
Don't give up. Try looking on our Camping and Travel page for a list of area hotels, campgrounds, cabin rentals and RV rentals.

Can I upgrade my ticket to "Glen Close Camping" after I've already purchased a GA ticket?
Unfortunately, all ticket purchased are final. No refunds, no exchanges. That's the way Geena Davis wanted it.

Is it true that capacity is capped at 60,000?

Can I bring an umbrella to block the sun?
You can bring an umbrella into the event area but not into the concert area. Sorry, they block the view of other festival goers.

Can I bring a neutron-ion beam to destroy the sun?
You may, but chances are it will be confiscated.

What about bringing in prescription medicine, like insulin?
You should identify yourself to security while waiting to enter the venue. Security will locate the medical folks adjacent to the main entrance, and they will assist you in storing and providing a secure area for diabetics. ALL medical prescriptions and accompanying names on those containers will need to match the person's proper ID. For more information, please check out the Super Ball IX Accessible Guide.

Can I bring in eye drops for my contact lenses?
Yes, but they need to be in a marked container.

Can I bring a water squirt gun or a mister?
Sorry, these will not be allowed into the venue, though there might be some mister fans available for purchase on-site. Also, some Mr. Mister fans.

Can I bring lip balm?

Can I bring a Camelback into the concert field?
Camelbacks or other small personal hydrating systems are allowed, as long as they are empty. You may fill it once you enter the concert field.

Can I bring my kids?
Yes. All ages are welcome - ages 5 and under are free. Everyone else must have a ticket.

Are strollers allowed into the venue?
Yes, if they are for infant/toddlers.

Can I bring....the 1968 Mets?
You want to know if you can bring the 1968 Mets?

I just want to know where the line is. Can I bring my super balls?
If you're talking about these, then sure, as long as you use them safely.

I wasn't talking about those.

I was talking about my other super--

Can I bring my dog?
NO pets. If a pet (other than a service animal) is found in your vehicle, you will be turned away - regardless of how long you have waited in line or whether you have your ticket. We have learned from experience that pets, especially dogs, have been trapped in overheated vehicles, bitten people, roamed in packs and been lost, much to the anguish of their owners. These events are not designed for pets. Please do your pet a favor, as well as your camping neighbors, by not bringing it to the festival.

Is there anything else I should know?
State capitals are important. The different food groups. Also, pace yourself and stay hydrated! It's very important to drink enough water, eat and get enough sleep so that you can enjoy each day of the event. Be a good neighbor; watch other people's stuff and they will do the same for you.

If you have any additional questions that have not been addressed, you can send an email to [email protected].